Dentist License Index St. Joseph County, Indiana 1892 - 1975 Surname Given Name Year Vol Page Talbot Dennis William 1965 2 180 Tanner Paul Mitchell 1925 1 159 Tanner Thomas Porter 1956 2 144 Taylor George W 1900 1 021 Taylor George W 1922 1 121 Teeter J Russell 1917 1 085 Thistlethwaite Glenn E 1946 2 078 Thompson Clarence A 1939 2 043 Thompson Clarence Alonzo 1926 1 165 Thompson Ralph W 1918 1 092 Thorson William J 1904 1 038 Throop Clifford L 1942 2 061 Timmons Lamar Stone 1957 2 148 Toothaker James Curtis 1940 2 053 Toth Joseph A 1948 2 097 Truax William Howard 1953 2 129 Truax William Howard 1973 3 011 Trulson Palmer Charles 1917 1 086 Tucker Garland Lee 1916 1 079 Turbow Victor M 1934 2 021 Turgi John C 1941 2 060 Turgi Mary Catherine 1927 1 175 Turney Harley N 1930 2 001 Turnock Jack Alan 1967 2 187 Vance Lynn 1932 2 012 Vandeveire Frank Lewis 1952 2 119 Vanort David Paul 1959 2 153 Varner David Allan 1978 3 031 Vaughn Frederick W 1911 1 059 Walker Clinton Parman 1919 1 099 Walsh Thomas J 1905 1 043 Walsh William A 1953 2 123 Walter Douglas Christian 1949 2 099 Walton Leslie M 1905 1 046 Waterman Richard Clark 1921 1 113 Watt James Ford 1923 1 129 Watt James Ford 1923 1 130 Watt John Mitchell 1922 1 123 Weaver Harry David 1916 1 080 Weber Douglas M 1945 2 073 Wells W E 1939 2 049 Welter Charles H 1909 1 056 White Clarence A 1935 2 026 White Clarence A 1936 2 030 White Robert H 1918 1 091 White Robert H 1949 2 102 Whitmer Guy A 1910 1 058 Wildermuth Louis F 1905 1 045 Williams Samuel I 1899 1 003 Wilson Harlen Albert 1924 1 148 Winer William 1949 2 106 Wirt Landis H 1914 1 070 Wisenbaugh Ward C 1913 1 066 Wisnieski Glenn J 1975 3 018 Wright Chester Franklin 1922 1 124 Wright Jack M 1952 2 120 Wright John Dellos 1946 2 079 Yancich Peter Paul 1973 3 012 Yaple Harry M 1904 1 041 Zoot Gerald Norman 1955 2 139 (c) 1998 - 2012 South Bend Area Genealogical Society - South Bend, IN These pages may be copied for individual personal use. For other uses, please contact SBAGS for permission to copy. Copied text must contain this copyright notice.