Dentist License Index St. Joseph County, Indiana 1892 - 1975 Surname Given Name Year Vol Page Oakes Donald E 1957 2 141 Odell George J 1916 1 084 Oren Arthur B 1899 1 017 Packard Edward Eugene 1948 2 098 Packard Edward Eugene 1952 2 116 Parr John Beasley 1918 1 095 Paxson Edward E 1899 1 018 Pesut Joseph 1968 2 189 Peters Eugene 1946 2 086 Petriella Anthony Ralph 1955 2 140 Pfleeger George W 1932 2 017 Pippenger Gary Ray 1972 3 005 Pirtle Paul Robert 1950 2 108 Plotkin David Abraham 1936 2 033 Poorman Alden Harold 1943 2 063 Portolese Frank Anthony 1958 2 151 Potucek Joseph C 1923 1 131 Powell George Maxwell 1927 1 176 Powell L G A 1923 1 135 Probst Edmund Aloysius 1924 1 144 Purdy Robert Boxman 1961 2 162 Quinlan Leo Jerome 1921 1 115 Rader Michael Douglas 1980 3 037 Rathburn Milo Donald Ford 1917 1 088 Reuthe John Julius 1939 2 048 Reuthe Marjorie 1939 2 047 Reynolds Hugh W 1920 1 110 Rice Raymond Lawrence 1925 1 153 Rich Alva F 1929 1 183 Richards Fred N 1919 1 100 Risinger Wayne Hamilton 1953 2 126 Risley H T 1965 4 179 Robbins James Guy 1930 1 196 Roberts Harold Cecil 1923 1 128 Robison Kenneth H 1919 1 106 Rocke R Thomas 1970 2 193 Rocke Robert A 1970 2 192 Rodifer Beauford Bourgoyne 1929 1 184 Rogers Wade D 1923 1 133 Rose Cyril Frank 1931 2 008 Rose Leonard Adam 1931 2 006 Rose Peter Joseph 1940 2 051 Rosenbaum Charles Herbert 1963 2 171 Ross Glenn B 1915 1 075 Rothballer Ulysses Joseph 1932 2 014 Rozelle Mark J 1930 2 003 Rudolph John Morrison 1937 2 037 Rush Fred Albert 1960 2 157 (c) 1998 - 2012 South Bend Area Genealogical Society - South Bend, IN These pages may be copied for individual personal use. For other uses, please contact SBAGS for permission to copy. Copied text must contain this copyright notice.