Dentist License Index St. Joseph County, Indiana 1892 - 1977 Surname Given Name Year Vol Page Irwin Herbert 1900 1 019 Johns Lawrence Douglas 1977 3 028 Johns Michael Reed 1976 3 023 Jones Harry Rome 1932 2 018 Jones Larry Don 1962 2 165 Keightly Merritt J 1903 1 033 Kesling David L 1970 2 195 Kesling Peter 1970 2 196 Kilmer Roy W 1903 1 030 Kimbriel William Donald 1959 2 154 Kintner John Dana 1945 2 072 Kloc Donald C 1980 3 038 Knopp Arthur L 1916 1 081 Kochenderfer Lee R 1963 2 167 Kowals Chester Anthony 1938 2 041 Kretsch Carl P 1935 2 025 Kruszynski Peter Paul 1923 1 140 Kubiak Frank S 1922 1 119 Kulik Timothy D 1976 3 026 Kuzmic Eugene Robert 1962 2 164 Laderer Clarence Post 1967 2 185 Lahr Howard Melvin 1924 1 145 Lane Frank Leslie 1903 1 034 Langenbahn Phil Herman 1923 1 116 Lapierre Louis S 1899 1 005 Laskowski Joseph Edwin 1946 2 081 Lavengood John 1911 1 061 Lawton Edward Allen 1953 2 128 Lehman John B Jr 1976 3 024 Leveron James R 1940 2 050 Leveron James R 1945 2 074 Lieb Jean Paul 1919 1 097 Lindborg Cynthia Kay Govert 1984 3 042 Lindborg Daniel Robert 1946 2 085 Lindborg Danile F 1975 3 021 Lindborg David William 1984 3 043 Lindquist Denis J 1971 3 001 Lipetska Edward M 1927 1 179 Lodyga Casimer James 1925 1 155 Long Albourne Winfield 1949 2 105 Long Andria E 1919 1 104 Love Eugene T 1926 1 174 Love Robert Daniel Franci 1920 1 111 Love William Charles 1953 2 124 Lucas Edgar S 1911 1 060 Lucas R F 1904 1 039 Lytle Judson Arthur 1949 2 103 (c) 1998 - 2012 South Bend Area Genealogical Society - South Bend, IN These pages may be copied for individual personal use. For other uses, please contact SBAGS for permission to copy. Copied text must contain this copyright notice.