Dentist License Index St. Joseph County, Indiana 1892 - 1975 Surname Given Name Year Vol Page Daily Harold J 1930 1 194 Davis J Robert 1940 2 054 Davis James R II 1973 3 010 Davis Samuel Hugh 1915 1 074 Davis Tessie Arnold 1941 2 058 Day William Harold 1927 1 180 Delamore Paul Revere 1925 1 150 Denant Walter McDonald 1926 1 163 Denbo Howard A 1930 1 193 Densmore John Archibald 1926 1 167 Detamore David Leonard 1953 2 125 Deuschle John Hanlan 1971 2 201 Dickey Keith Winfield 1974 3 016 Dickson William A 1933 2 020 Dix Isaac H 1937 2 038 Dix Victor M 1939 2 044 Donat Russell A 1922 1 120 Dononkos Lewis George 1937 2 034 Douglas James Alvin 1970 2 200 Dowel Hamlin S 1900 1 023 Dowell Chester M 1904 1 037 Duggan Ralph Daniel 1916 1 082 Eads Lee Cameron 1943 2 068 East Robert Elmer 1929 1 185 Eberhart M Gilbert Jr 1960 2 160 Eiteljorg Albert F 1915 1 072 Elliot Warren Strickler 1930 1 197 Ellis Frank N 1977 3 029 English Allen Edward 1963 2 173 Ewald William John 1950 2 109 Farver Francis Franklin 1922 1 125 Felder James Carl 1959 2 156 Feldman Charles 1903 1 031 Felhaber Thomas Bliss 1973 3 009 Feltman Eugene Michael 1972 3 004 Ferry Daniel Joseph 1950 2 110 Ferry John Michael 1957 2 145 Fields Robert K 1960 2 158 Fink Noel Carlton 1924 1 146 Fischer Francis 1964 2 176 Flack William Steele 1923 1 134 Flint Emmett A 1936 2 029 Fodor Julius S 1916 1 078 Forshee Thomas Wesley 1931 2 005 Fouts Oren L 1922 1 118 Francour Hugh William 1955 2 136 Freid Michael 1974 3 013 Fromm Alfred 1946 2 087 Fross Garland Harry 1931 2 009 Furst Burton Lowell 1937 2 039 (c) 1998 - 2012 South Bend Area Genealogical Society - South Bend, IN These pages may be copied for individual personal use. For other uses, please contact SBAGS for permission to copy. Copied text must contain this copyright notice.