Studebaker Employee List
The following list of blue-collar employees of the Studebaker Corporation once located at South Bend. This list is important because it is the only list of such employees that exists at the Studebaker Museum Archives at this time. Nearly all hourly employee records were destroyed, except for those of some administrators, when Studebaker closed its doors in 1963.
This is only a partial listing of employees and this list refers only to those people who had patent agreements with Studebaker and Packard. These records are still being organized and exactly what information goes with the names is yet unclear, but most names were found in a card file referring to “Patent and Patent Litigation Series XIV” located at the Studebaker Archives.
The dates listed with each name probably refers to the date the agreement was made with Studebaker, therefore, most likely the date the person was employed at one of the corporations. Some names had several dates listed, only the first date is included in this list and may not necessarily be the earliest date. It is imperative that interested persons contact the Studebaker Archives for the complete record. Only dates are listed on original records, no other genealogical information.
Basic In-House Research Fee: $25.00
Photo Copies (Each): .25
Though the names in this database appear in alphabetical order, the records at the Museum are not in any organized manner, making searches difficult and time consuming.
Any questions may be addressed to:
Andrew Beckman, Curator
phone: (574) 235-9714
FAX: (574) 235-5522
e-mail: Andrew Beckman
When writing the Archives, please makes reference to:
Patent and Patent Litigation Series XIV
Studebaker National Museum Archives
201 S. Chapin Street
South Bend, IN 46601
Studebaker National Museum