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South Bend Times Name Index 1881 - 1917 History of the Times:

The first TIMES (also Saturday TIMES, TIMES DAILY, TIMES WEEKLY, and TIMES BI-WEEKLY) was started by Henry A. Peed in 1881. Robert L. Peed and Jacob D. Henderson also purchased interests in this pro-Democratic party journal, and the three owners formed the Times Printing Company. John B. Stoll acquired controlling interest in the company in early 1883. Charles A. McDonald joined the paper in April of the same year as Stoll’s assistant, and he later became part owner. A daily edition was initiated on December 3, 1883, and a twice-weekly was published from 1894 to 1908. McDonald died on December 15, 1906, and Stoll continued as sole owner and editor until he sold the TIMES to the News-Times Printing Company in August, 1911. The new company was headed by Gabriel R. Summers, who also published the NEWS. Stoll remained with the TIMES as editor until political differences with the management forced him to retire in June, 1912. Hugh Allen succeeded Stoll as editor and was later replaced by John H. Zuver. On June 2, 1913, the NEWS and the TIMES were merged to form the NEWS-TIMES.

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– Records are on microfilm at the St. Joseph Co. Public Library.
– Requests should be sent to the Local History Dept. (See their website:
Request for Information Form.
– Their fee is $10 per hour with a minimum of $5.

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