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Orphan Train By Foster/Adopted Surname List

Given Name Foster Surname Birth Surname Notes and Details of Events
Margaret Barry Hughes Born November 21, 1904, Brooklyn, New York. Father James Hughes, mother Frances Meitzler. Brought to Mishawaka, Indiana April 30, 1909 by Catholic Home Bureau for Dependent Children, New York, age 3 (per newspaper account of orphan train). Placed with John and Hattie Barry, 7th Street, Mishawaka. Died April 6, 2000. Orphan train information: South Bend Daily Times, May 1, 1909, p 2
Unknown Beal Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with A. Beal. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Beatrice Black Fitzgerald Brought to South Bend, Indiana April 30, 1909 by Catholic Home Bureau for Dependent Children, New York, aged 2 years. Placed with Joseph and Barbara Black, 709 N Hall Street, South Bend. Adopted February 9, 1925 by Barbara Black. Orphan train information from South Bend Daily Times, May 1, 1909, p. 5. Adoption information from Index to 1908 – 1927 Superior Court Adoption Records of St Joseph County, Indiana, on-line at
Minnie Boomershine Willie Brought to Goshen, Indiana in 1888 by Baldwin Place Home, placed with Ira Boomershine. Information from Goshen Daily News, June 4, 5, 1888.
Hattie May Bradford Forbes Born September 30, 1879, Boston, Massachusetts. Parents Joseph and Emily Morton Forbes. Brought to Goshen Indiana June 2, 1888 by Baldwin Place House, Boston, age 9. Placed with A. M. Bradford. Birth siblings: Horace F Forbes born February 10, 1876, Maude Forbes born July 7, 1878. Placement information provided by Phyllis Roth
Francis Brugger Karl Born New York about 1905. Seen in 1910 census as adopted daughter of Vincent and Mary Brugger South Clevedon St, Mishawaka, age 5. Adopted by Vincent and Mary Brugger May 21, 1921.
Unknown Burk Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with B. Burk. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Anna Bykoski Gardner Born in New York October 12, 1905. Mother Anna Gardner, father Edwin Reed. Seen in 1910 census as adopted daughter of John and Julia Bykowski, 5th Street, South Bend. Married Rodney A Leffel, died March 27, 2003. Parents, birth and death provided by Social Security Benefits application.
Anna Bykoski Reed Born in New York October 12, 1905. Mother Anna Gardner, father Edwin Reed. Seen in 1910 census as adopted daughter of John and Julia Bykowski, 5th Street, South Bend. Married Rodney A Leffel, died March 27, 2003. Parents, birth and death provided by Social Security Benefits application.
Unknown Chamberlain Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with A.N. Chamberlain. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Unknown Chapman Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with C. S. Chapman. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Unknown Chapman Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with Mrs. Fannie Chapman. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Unknown Chase Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with C. H. Chase. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Unknown Chaugo Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with Isruel Chaugo. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Mary Chrisman Unknown Born New York about 1908. Seen in 1910 census as age 2, adopted daughter of Alva and Mary Chrisman, East Randolph Street, South Bend. In 1930 in household of Mary Schubert, widow.
Unknown Clark Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with John R. Clark No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Unknown Cornell Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with Thomas Cornell No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Sarah M Davis Eldridge Born September 9, 1975 in Harwich Massachusetts. . Parents Hiram B and Aurilla Walker Eldridge, married Nov 1, 1874, divorced before 1899. Brought to Goshen Indiana June 2, 1888 by Baldwin Place House, Boston, age 13. Birth siblings on same train: Hiram Eldridge, Joseph Eldridge. Other birth siblings: Zebina Eldridge born March 29, 1880, died Oct 6, 1897 by suicide, Benjamin Eldridge born April 2, 1886 died June 19, 1894 of scarlet fever). Married Irv Myer in 1900. Placement information provided by Phyllis Roth
Minnie Davis Stiles Born July 26, 1889 in Lynn Massachusetts. Father Augustus Stiles, mother Jennie S. Birth siblings: Augustus Mabel born 1881, Jennie Stiles, Jesse Stiles. Brought to Elkhart County, Indiana. Placed with Anthony W and Henrietta Titus Davis. Married Ethelbert Warrick June 25, 1913. Died 1953. Orphan train information provided by Mary Somerville, Ms Gerry Watkins, granddaughters of Jennie Romella Stiles
Unknown Decamp Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with M. Decamp. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
William Decamp Unknown Born January 1854 in New York per 1900 U.S. census. Brought to Elkhart Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with M Decamp. Seen in 1870 U. S. Census as son of Miner D and Maria Decamp, Elkhart, Indiana. Seen in 1880 U. S. census age 24 as adopted son of Marion and Maria Decamp in Elkhart, Indiana. Orphan train information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Unknown Douglas Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with H. Douglas. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Monica Drzewiecki Tyrell Born April 20, 1892. Brought to South Bend, Indiana age 3 from St Vincent Catholic Orphanage for Girls, Albany, New York. Place with Michael and Josephine (Mietelicki) Drzewiecki. May have had a birth sister named Therese. Monica went by Minnie as she got older. Married Samuel Harison McDonald Oct 7, 1912. Died June 1966, buried Fairview Cemetery. Family information provided by Barbara Finn, granddaughter.
Harry Ellis Lott Born Aug 1875 in Tauten, Massachusetts. Father George W Lott (born 1851), mother Mary L Perry (born 1854, died October 19, 1890), married February 3, 1872 Tauten, Massachusetts. Brought to Goshen Indiana 1888 by Baldwin Place Home, Boston, Massachusetts, age 13 years. Placed with Postmaster William Ellis and wife Harriet. Seen in 1990 U.S. census in Milford Township, LaGrange County, Indiana as boarder and blacksmith. Birth sibling on same train Frank Lott. Other birth siblings remaining in Massachusetts: Anna M Lott born 1873, William A Lott born 1874. Placement information provided by Phyllis Roth
Unknown Ellis Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with J. W. Ellis. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Unknown Etsel Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with John Etsel. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861. Orphan train information from South Bend Daily Times, May 1, 1909, p. 2.
Unknown Futterknecht Unknown Brought to Mishawaka, Indiana April 30, 1909 by Catholic Home Bureau for Dependent Children, New York. Newspaper account of Orphan train did not list name, age or gender of child placed with Mr and Mrs Futterknecht, Mishawaka.
Lucy Galazkiewicz Goodman Born November 28, 1904 in the New York Orphan Asylum, New York City. Mother Sadie Goodman, age 18, father Sam Slanhoff, age 24. Brought to New York Founding Hospital February 1, 1905 by her mother. Brought to South Bend, Indiana by New York Founding Hospital, aged 1 year 5 months. Placed with John and Frances Galazkiewicz, 309 S Laurel Street, South Bend. Married Chalmers Wilson Walker January 14, 1924. 5 children (Rosemary, Norma, Genevieve, Marguerite, John C), 4 grandchildren. Family information provided by Mary Wikman, granddaughter.
Robert Galpin McCausland Brought to Goshen, Indiana in 1888 by Baldwin Place Home, placed with W. A. Galpin. Information from Goshen Daily News, June 4, 5, 1888.
Genevieve Ganns Unknown Born New York about 1908. Seen in 1910 census age 2 as adopted daughter of Alfred and Sadie Ganns, 307 W 9th Street, Mishawaka, Indiana. Seen in 1928 city directory living at same address, occupation clerk.
Jennie Romella Gardner Stiles Born September 26, 1884, possibly in Lynn Massachusetts. Birth siblings: Minnie Stiles, born 1889, Agustus Mabel Stiles born 1881, Jesse Stiles born 1886. Brought to Elkhart, Indiana in 1893 at age 9. Placed with James and Sarah Gardner. Married Flod S Baker, 4 children (Robert, Hailey, Barbara, Margaret) Family information provided by granddaughters Mary Somerville, Ms Gerry Watkins
Unknown Gardner Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with H. Gardner. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Anna Gierzynski Unknown Born in New York April 1893. Seen in 1900 census, age 6, as adopted daughter of Joseph and Mary Gierrynski, Division Street, South Bend, Indiana. Married Stephen Napieralski (1891-1928). Died 1992, buried in Cedar Grove Cemetery, Notre Dame, Indiana.
David Ginter Plumb Born New York May 7, 1892. Seen in 1900 census age 8 in household of Konstanty and Antonia Ginter, 1908 Sample Street, South Bend, Indiana. In 1910 seen as Dave Ginter, 18 year old in household of Frank and Anna Paczkawski, 722 S Lincoln Street, Mishawaka.
Unknown Gitchell Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with Rev. D. D. Gitchell No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
John C Goetz Unknown Brought to South Bend, Indiana April 30, 1909 by Catholic Home Bureau for Dependent Children, New York, age 1. Placed with Mr and Mrs John Goetz, 505 Phillipa Street, South Bend. Orphan train information from South Bend Daily Times, May 1, 1909, p. 5.
Joseph Good Eldridge Born October 10, 1882 in Harwich Massachusetts. Parents Hiram B and Aurilla Walker Eldridge, married Nov 1, 1874, divorced before 1899. Brought to Goshen Indiana June 2, 1888 by Baldwin Place House, Boston, age 6. Place with Eli Good, Wakarusa. In 1900 census was boarding with brother-in-law Irv Myer, sister Sadie Myer. Birth siblings on same train: Hiram Eldridge, Sarah M Eldridge. Other birth siblings: Zebina Eldridge born March 29, 1880, died Oct 6, 1897 by suicide, Benjamin Eldridge born April 2, 1886 died June 19, 1894 of scarlet fever) Placement information provided by Phyllis Roth
Jesse Goodyear Drake Born October 5, 1882, Tauten, Massachusetts. Mother Mary Hamilton Drake, unknown father. Brought to Goshen Indiana June 2 1888 by Baldwin Place House, Boston, age 5. Placed with Mathias Goodyear. In 1900 seen as boarder, age 17, in home of Henry Zigler, Jefferson Township, Elkhart County. Birth siblings also on train: Bertha Drake, Elsie Drake. Other birth siblings: Myra Drake born 1862, Laura Etta Drake born 1871, Charles J Drake born 1872. Placement information provided by Phyllis Roth, wife of great nephew.
Mary Gorny Unknown Born in New York December 1893. Seen in 1910 census, age 6, as adopted daughter of Michael and Antonia Gorny, 317 Walnut Street, South Bend, Indiana.
Mareritt Grachowski Posen Born in New York about 1900. Seen in 1910 census as adopted daughter age 10 in home of Anton and Mary Grachowski, 714 West Division Street, South Bend, Indiana.
Charles L Gross McCafferty Brought to Goshen, Indiana in 1888 by Baldwin Place Home, placed with William Gross. Information from Goshen Daily News, June 4, 5, 1888.
Unknown Hall Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with Mrs. Johnathan Hall. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Hiram Harris Eldridge Born September 1877 in Harwich Massachusetts. Parents Hiram B and Aurilla Walker Eldridge, married Nov 1, 1874, divorced before 1899. Brought to Goshen Indiana June 2, 1888 by Baldwin Place House, Boston, age 11. Placed with C. B. Harris, but returned to orphans home after several days. Birth siblings on same train: Joseph Eldridge, Sarah Eldridge. Other birth siblings: Zebina Eldridge born March 29, 1880, died Oct 6, 1897 by suicide, Benjamin Eldridge born April 2, 1886 died June 19, 1894 of scarlet fever). Placement information provided by Phyllis Roth
Maude Hattle Forbes Born July 7, 1878, Boston, Massachusetts. Parents Joseph and Emily Morton Forbes. Brought to Goshen Indiana June 2, 1888 by Baldwin Place House, Boston, age 10. Originally placed with A. R. Beyerle, moved to Benjamin Hattle. Birth siblings: Horace F Forbes born February 10, 1876, Hattie May Forbes born September 30, 1879. Married Ellsworth Oulton April 11, 1899 in Boston, Massachusetts. Placement information provided by Phyllis Roth
Frank Hawks Lott Born January 1880 in Tauten, Massachusetts. Father George W Lott (born 1851), mother Mary L Perry (born 1854, died October 19, 1890), married February 3, 1872 Tauten, Massachusetts. Brought to Goshen Indiana 1888 by Baldwin Place Home, Boston, Massachusetts, age 8 years. Placed with W.H. Hawks. Seen in 1990 U.S. census in Milford Township, LaGrange County, Indiana as boarder and laborer. Birth sibling on same train Harry Lott. Other birth siblings remaining in Massachusetts: Anna M Lott born 1873, William A Lott born 1874. Placement information provided by Phyllis Roth
Mary Heinrich McMahon Brought to South Bend, Indiana April 30, 1909 by Catholic Home Bureau for Dependent Children, New York. Placed with William and Janine (Jennie) Heinrich, 503 South Eddy Street, South Bend. Adopted September 1910. Per newspaper account of Orphan train, age 2 in April 1909, per 1910 census, age 1 year 11 months in 1910. Orphan train information from South Bend Daily Times, May 1, 1909, p. 5. Adoption information from Index to Adoption Records of St Joseph County, Indiana, onine at
Francis Hosinski Unknown Born New York about 1901. Seen in 1910 census as age 9, adopted son of Frank and Rosalia Hosinski, Division Street, South Bend, Indiana. Household also included son Aloysius age 16, grandson Robert, age 10.
Irene Houser Unknown Born New York about 1901. Seen in 1910 census, age 9 as adopted daughter of John and Vistoria Houser, Johnson Street, South Bend, Indiana.
John C Irwin Butts Born May 24, 1877, Boston, Massachusetts. Father Archibald Percival Butts, mother Mary Elizabeth Victoria Tarrant. Birth siblings on same Orphan train: Catherine Butts, Mary Elizabeth Butts, Susannah Butts. Brought to Goshen, Indiana June 2, 1888 by Baldwin Place Home, Boston, MA, age 11. Placed with Charles and Chloe Irwin. Married Ellen Mae Deborah March 28, 1897. Married 2 Ona Belle Babcock Oct 24, 1901. Married 3 Grace A. Beers August 1903, 2 children (Erle William, Dale Frederick). Married 4 Laura Ennis January 3, 1915. Died September 7, 1954 Los Angeles, California. Family history provided by Donia L Robinson
Agnes Janowski Delaney Born July 12, 1901 New York City. Mother Mary Delany. Brought to South Bend in 1903 by New York Foundling Home in conjunction with St Stanislaus Church. Placed with Teofil and Barbara (Roytek) Janowski, Rager Street, South Bend. Married John Stanley Drapek, 4 children (John J, Francis J, Dorothy, Sharon) Family history provided by Dorothy Stone, daughter and Louise Drapek, daughter in law.
Vincent Jaroszewski Moryn Born February 27, 1896. Brought to South Bend, Indiana before 1900. Placed with Lawrence and Sophie Jaroszewski, 1905 Linden Avenue, South Bend. Social Security Application Claim: Vincent Stanley Jarvis, born February 27, 1896, son of Lawrence Jarvis and Sophie Gorka. Married Hattie Popiolek, 5 children (Raymond, Al, Alice, Bernadette, Bernardine Jarvis) Family information provided by Elizabeth Renaldi, granddaughter.
Unknown Johnson Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with William Johnson. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Unknown Judie Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with Samuel Judie. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Mary Killelea Unknown Brought to South Bend, Indiana April 30, 1909 by Catholic Home Bureau for Dependent Children, New York, age 3 years. Placed with Mr and Mrs Thomas Killelea, 617 North St Peter Street, South Bend. Orphan train information from South Bend Daily Times, May 1, 1909, p. 5.
Unknown Klein Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with M. Klein. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Mary Kluszczynska/Kluszezynski Unknown Born July 1893 in New York. Seen in 1900 census, age 6, as adopted daughter of Nydaha Kluszezynski, widow age 60 at 317 Walnut Street, South Bend, Indiana. (Nydaha also listed as Magdalena, Wydeen) Seen in 1910 census as Maryanna Kluszcznska, age 17, in household of Magdelena Kluszcznska, age 71.
Unknown Koehler Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with Conrad Koehler. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Salomea Korpal Unknown Born New York about 1907. Seen in 1910 census age 3 as adopted daughter of Roch and Maria Korpal, 331 South Walnut Street, South Bend, Indiana.
Helen Kujawa Unknown Born New York about 1902. Seem in 1910 census age 8 as adopted daughter of Anton and Veronika Kujawa, 1119 W Napier Street, South Bend, Indiana. Married Edward Lichnerowicz. Find-a Grave record of Helen C Lichnerowicz: born November 21, 1901, died June 24, 1996. Buried Cedar Grove Cemetery, Notre Dame, Indiana.
Johanna Leyes Murphy Born New York about 1908. Brought to Mishawaka, Indiana April 30, 1909 by Catholic Home Bureau for Dependent Children, New York, age 1. Placed with Louis and Lena Leyes, West 7th Street, Mishawaka. Married Alfred Henigschmidt in 1928. Orphan train information from South Bend Daily Times, May 1, 1909, p. 2. Additional information provided by Wendy Leyes Corcoran, September 2018: Born 26 Oct 1907 aboard ship in route to U.S. Died December 1969, Thermopolis, Wyoming. FInd a Grave Memorial: 100994435
Unknown Liecht Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with Isaac Liecht. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Unknown Livengood Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with John Livengood. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Helen Luckowska Unknown Born New York about 1902. Seen in 1910 census as adopted daughter age 8 in household of Leokadia Luczkowski, age 25, widow, on Fassnacht Ave, South Bend, Indiana. Other children Edmund age 2, Helen age 1yr 7 months, Josephine age 2 months. Leokadia married Staislaw Nowkowski June 6, 1911.
Jessie W. Lyons Stiles Born September 3, 1886 in Lynn Massachusetts. Father Augustus Stiles, mother Jennie S. Birth siblings: Augustus Mabel born April 3, 1881, Jennie Stiles, Minnie Stiles) Placed with Wilbur F. and Elizabeth Lyons, Osolo, Elkhart County, Indiana. Orphan train information provided by Mary Somerville, Ms Gerry Watkins, granddaughters of Jennie Romella Stiles
John Majchizak/Manuszak Unknown Born New York in March 1893. Seen in 1900 census born July 1893, unknown location, age 7, as adopted son of Kazmir (age 37) and Hattie (age 22) Majchizak. In 1910 census seen as age 16, adopted son, born New York in 1893 in household of Kazmire (age 39) and Hedwig (age 33) Manuszak, Sibley Avenue, South Bend, Indiana.
Camilla Mallon Reily Born New York City, June 1, 1904. Resident in 1905 of The Convent of the Sisters of Mercy in Brooklyn, New York, age 1 year. Residence as given when admitted, Brooklyn. Brought to South Bend, Indiana April 30, 1909 by Catholic Home Bureau for Dependent Children, New York, age 5 years. Placed with Mr. and Mrs. James Mallon, 215 S. Taylor Street, South Bend. Married George E. Erp in 1928, 13 children (George, Mary Elizabeth, Joseph, Camilla, James, Charles, David, Rose Marie, Genevieve, Geraldine, Paul) Family information provided by Camilla Braunsdorf, daughter. Orphan train information from South Bend Daily Times, May 1, 1909, p. 5.
Wanda Marciniak Unknown Born in New York January 1894. Seen in 1900 census age 6 as orphan in household of John and Rosa Marciniak, 1001 Division Street, South Bend, Indiana. Seen in 1910 census, age 16, as rectory servant and sister of Rev. Roman Marciniak, 415 Lincoln Street. Married Ignatius Koszewski May 30, 1916.
Peter Markley Hunt Born about 1852. In 1860 U. S. Census, seen in Randalls Island New York Orphanage, Boys Nursery, age 8. Brought to Elkhart Indiana by New York Children’s Aid Society Orphan train in January 1861, placed with Amos Markley. In 1870 U.S. census, seen as 17 years old in household of Amos and Christine Markley, Osolo, Elkhart County, Indiana. Married Rohana Conley January 23, 1879 in Mason, Michigan. Orphan train information from Goshen Daily News, June 4, 5, 1888.
Mary Elizabeth Martin Butts Born 1879 Boston, Massachusetts. Father Archibald Percival Butts, mother Mary Elizabeth Victoria Tarrant. Birth siblings on same Orphan train: Catherine Butts, John C Butts, Susannah Butts. Brought to Goshen, Indiana June 2, 1888 by Baldwin Place Home, Boston, MA, age 9. Placed with E. Martin family. Died 1891, age 12. Family history provided by Donia L Robinson.
Unknown McKean Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with D. B. McKean. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Bertie McVitty Davis Brought to Goshen, Indiana in 1888 by Baldwin Place Home, placed with Mary McVitty. Orphan train information from Goshen Daily News, June 4, 5, 1888.
John C Michels Finn Born New York about 1908. Brought to Mishawaka, Indiana April 30, 1909 by Catholic Home Bureau for Dependent Children, age 1. Placed with Albert and Anete (Bert and Nettie) Michels, E 6th Street, Mishawaka. John Finn adopted by Leo A. Michels Feb 25, 1921. Orphan train information from South Bend Daily Times, May 1, 1909, p. 2. Adoption information from Index to 1908 – 1927 Superior Court Adoption Records of St Joseph County, Indiana, on-line at
Unknown Milham Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with R. Milham. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Unknown Mincar Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with Charles Mincar. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Mary Moliere Maitland Brought to Goshen, Indiana in 1888 by Baldwin Place Home, placed with Charles Moliere. Information from Goshen Daily News, June 4, 5, 1888.
Harry Myers Neal Brought to Goshen, Indiana in 1888 by Baldwin Place Home, placed with Frank Myers, two miles from town. Harry Neill seen in 1900 census in Elkhart Indiana, age 20, born May 1880 in Maine, boarder in home of Mrs. Frank Myers. Placement information from Goshen Daily News, June 6, 1888.
James Nagy Unknown Born New York about 1903. Seen in 1910 census age 7 as adopted son in household of John and Lydia Nagy, Catalpa Ave., South Bend. WWI draft registration: Born Jan 12, 1900, age 18. Nearest relative Lydia Ganns. Michigan Death Registry and SSDI: born Jan 12, 1900, died March 5, 1994.
Unknown Neal Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with H. Neal. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Unknown Newell Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with W. B. Newell. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Anthony Niedbalski Unknown Born New York about 1906. Seen in 1910 census age 4 as adopted son of Wojcick and Maggie Niedbalski, 1517 Linden Ave., South Bend, Indiana.
Frances Niezgodzki Unknown Born in New York March 21, 1894. Seen in 1900 census as daughter age 6 and in 1910 census as adopted daughter, age 16, in household of Ludwig and Josefa (Louis and Josephine) Niezgodzki, 1032 West Napier Street, South Bend, Indiana. Find-a Grave: family monument of Ludwig Niezgodzki includes name Frances Przeradzka, born March 21, 1894, died May 21, 1921
Regina Novak Baldwin Born July 28, 1899 at New York Foundling Asylum, New York, mother Lizzie Baldwin. Brought to South Bend after 1900. Placed with Annie Novak (possibly Joseph and Annie Novak, 307 Pines Street, South Bend) Family history provided by Shirley Mesaros, daughter
Maryanna Nyga/Nyza Unknown Born New York about 1905. Seen in 1910 census as adoptive daughter of Georg and Maryanna Nyga/Nyza, 1036 West Division Street, South Bend, Indiana. (Maryanna may not be birth name, renamed after adoptive mother?)
Catherine O’Conner Unknown Brought to South Bend, Indiana April 30, 1909 by Catholic Home Bureau for Dependent Children, New York, age 7 years. Placed with Mrs. Dennis O’Conner, 209 November St Peter Street, South Bend. Orphan train information from South Bend Daily Times, May 1, 1909, p. 5.
John Edward O’Neil Larkin Born August 1, 1886 in Cohoes, New York. Seen in 1900 census, age 13 in household of Thomas and Clara O’Neil, 319 Notre Dame Street, South Bend. Adopted by William J O’Neil (brother of Thomas) March 1894. Married Florence Smith September 21, 1909. Died April 1977. Birth sibling Mary Larkin. Adoption information from Index to Adoption Records of St Joseph County, Indiana, on-line at
Mary O’Neil Larkin Born in New York June 1885. Seen in 1900 census, age 14 in household of Thomas and Clara O’Neil, 319 Notre Dame Street, South Bend. Adopted by Thomas O’Neil March 1894. In 1930 census was seen in household of birth sibling John Larkin. Adoption information from Index to Adoption Records of St Joseph County, Indiana, on-line at
Mary Ellen O’Neill McNally Brought to South Bend, Indiana April 30, 1909 by Catholic Home Bureau for Dependent Children, New York. Placed with William J and Elizabeth O’Neill, 329 Notre Dame Ave, South Bend. Adopted September 1910. Orphan train information from South Bend Daily Times, May 1, 1909, p. 5. Adoption information from Index to Adoption Records of St Joseph County, Indiana, on-line at
Unknown Ober Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with A. G. Ober. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Jacob Paczesna Unknown Born in New York about 1890. Seen in 1910 census age 20, as adopted son, in household of Konstancza Paczesna, 1010 West Dunham Street, South Bend.
Hilary Joseph Paszek Unknown Born about 1896 in New York. Seen in 1900 census age 5 (born August 1894) as son in household of Mary Pasek, widow, South Bend Indiana. Household also included son George. Seen in 1910 census as adopted son of George Paszek, age 14, 915 West Thomas Street, South Bend. Household included widowed mother Mary. WWI draft registration: Hilary Joseph Paszek born August 22, 1895, preparing for Holy Cross Ministry. WWII draft registration: Hilary Joseph, born New York March 14, 1894, Holy Cross Mission. Social Security Death Index: born March 12, 1896, died April 1978
Unknown Petitt Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with H. A. Petit. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
James Pietraszewski Unknown Born in New York about 1901. Seen in 1910 census, age 9, as adopted son of Pater and Piakseda Pietraszewski, 1403 West Division Street, South Bend, Indiana.
Unknown Piper Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with Jacob Piper. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Agnes Przybylinski McGuire Born April 20, 1894. Brought to South Bend 1896 by New York Foundling Home in conjunction with St Adelbert’s Church. Placed with Ladislaus and Josephine (Rucinska) Przybylinski. Married Nicholas Kasmarek June 28, 1916, 4 children (Evelyn, Erwin, Marion, Richard) Died May 1979. Family history provided by Catherine Engimann, granddaughter.
Annie Przybyski Mittasch Born Queens New York, January 19, 1902. Brought to South Bend, Indiana April 30, 1909 by Catholic Home Bureau for Dependent Children, New York. Placed with Kasper and Apolonia Przybyski, 420 S Kosciusko Street, South Bend. Married Frank Molenda May 1926, adopted by Kasper and Apolonia Przybyski as Anna Mittasch Molenda June 1926. Orphan train information from South Bend Daily Times, May 1, 1909, p. 5. Adoption information from Index to 1908 – 1927 Superior Court Adoption Records of St Joseph County, Indiana, on-line at
John Przybysz Miller Born New York in November 1893. Seen in 1900 census age 6 as John Miller, adopted son of Rosa Przybysz, widow, 1216 West Thomas Street, South Bend, Indiana. Seen in 1910 census, age 16, as John Przybysz in household of Rosie Przybysz, widow, same address as 1900.
Joseph Rexstrew Unknown Born June 4, 1907. Brought to South Bend, Indiana April 30, 1909 by Catholic Home Bureau for Dependent Children, New York, age 1 year 10 months. Placed with Oscar and Ida Rexstrew, 915 East Minor Street, South Bend. Kenneth Joseph Rexstrew married Gertrude Virginia Kelly April 30, 1929. Died 1980, Ventura County, California. Orphan train information from South Bend Daily Times, May 1, 1909, p. 5.
Unknown Roswell Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with John Roswell. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Bertha May Rowell Drake Born December 10, 1974, Tauten Massachusetts. Mother Mary Hamilton Drake, unknown father. Brought to Goshen, Indiana June 2 1888 by Baldwin Place House, Boston, age 14. Placed originally with Walter Deardoff, moved after a few weeks to Sam Rowell family. Birth siblings also on train: Elsie Drake, Jesses Drake. Other birth siblings: Myra Drake born 1862, Laura Etta Drake born 1871, Charles J Drake born 1872. Placement information provided by Phyllis Roth, wife of grandson
Fred Scott Jones Brought to Goshen, Indiana in 1888 by Baldwin Place Home, placed with J. F. Scott. Information from Goshen Daily News, June 4, 5, 1888.
Fletch Self Seavey Brought to Goshen, Indiana in 1888 by Baldwin Place Home, placed with Samuel Self. Information from Goshen Daily News, June 4, 5, 1888.
Catherine French Slaughter Butts Born 1875, Boston, Massachusetts. Father Archibald Percival Butts, mother Mary Elizabeth Victoria Tarrant. Birth siblings on same Orphan train: John C Butts, Mary E Butts, Susannah Butts. Brought to Goshen, Indiana June 2, 1888 by Baldwin Place Home, Boston, MA, age 13. Placed with J.B. Slaughter. Died 1920. Family history provided by Donia L. Robinson.
Unknown Smith Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with Peter Smith. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Theresa Stasiak Unknown Born April 22, 1893 in New York. Brought to South Bend on Orphan train in 1895. Placed with Joseph and Antonia Stasiak, St Joseph County, Indiana. Married Leo January Czarnecki April 27, 1915. Died March 28, 1965, services St Stanislaus Church, burial St Joseph Cemetery. Family information provided in obituary of Theresa Czarnecki, on line at St Joseph County Indiana Rootsweb, Ladewski Papers.
Unknown Stevens Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with Andrew. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Unknown Stevens Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with J. B. Stevens. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Anna Stoeckinger Kelly Born June 2, 1902, Brooklyn, New York. Father John Kelly, born about 1861, died June 7, 1900, Kings, New York. Mother Mary born 1882, died June 10, 1906. Brought to Mishawaka, Indiana April 30, 1909 by Catholic Home Bureau for Dependent Children, age 7. Placed with Sebastian and Elizabeth Stoeckinger, Mishawaka. Orphan train information: South Bend Daily Times, May 1, 1909, p 2
Unknown Thomas Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with H. D. Thomas No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Unknown Thomas Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with John Thomas. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Unknown Thompson Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with Samuel Thompson. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Helena Rose Truk Unknown Born in New York July 1894. Seen in 1900 census, age 4, as orphan in household of Antonia Trok, widow, 127 Johnson Street, South Bend, Indiana. Seen in 1930, age 35, as servant at St Mary’s Academy and College, Notre Dame, Indiana.
Susannah Lorene Ulery Butts Born March 19, 1882, Boston, Massachusetts. Father Archibald Percival Butts, mother Mary Elizabeth Victoria Tarrant. Birth siblings on same Orphan train: John C. Butts, Catherine Butts, Mary Elizabeth Butts. Brought to Goshen, Indiana June 2, 1888 by Baldwin Place Home, Boston, MA, age 6. Placed with W. B. Platter, moved to Simon and Ellen Ulery when too young to suit Mrs. Platter. Married Jerome P Ulery, June 5, 1900. Died 1944. Family history provided by Donia L. Robinson
Unknown VanDorsen Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with Levi VanDorsen. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
Elsie Eunice Whiteraker Drake Born March 10, 1877, Tauten, Massachusetts. Mother Mary Hamilton Drake, unknown father. Brought to Goshen Indiana June 2, 1888 by Baldwin Place House, Boston, age 11. Placed with Will Whiteraker. Birth siblings also on train: Bertha Drake, Jesse Drake. Other birth siblings: Myra Drake born 1862, Laura Etta Drake born 1871, Charles J Drake born 1872) Placement information provided by Phyllis Roth, wife of great nephew.
Unknown Wolf Unknown Brought to Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society orphan train. Placed with A. Wolk. No name or age was provided for the child. Information from Goshen Times, Jan 10, 12, 1861.
James Yoder Sullivan Born about 1856 in New York. Brought to Elkhart Indiana in January 1861 by New York Children’s Aid Society, age 5. Placed with John Yoder. Seen in 1870 U. S. Census in household of John and Mary Yoder, Concord, Elkhart County, Indiana, age 14
Cecelia Zelasko Northern Born April 26, 1900 in New York. Placed with Andrew and Constance Zelasko prior to 1910. Married Stanley Golichowski February 1, 1921 at St Hedwig, 4 children (Adelaide, Henrietta, Richard J, Stanley R) Died May 24, 1980, burial at St Joseph Cemetery. Family history provided By Carlyle Neff, great niece.


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