The Archives & Records Center provides St. Joseph County and City offices with records storage. The Center stores various sets of historical data including but not limited to: genealogy research, marriage licenses dating back from 1832, marriage applications from 1905, divorce records, wills and other affidavits.
Archivist / Records Manager: Ms. Katerina Carter
Archives and Records Center
1140 S. Lafayette Blvd.
South Bend, IN
Ph. 574-235-9091
Fax 574-235-7856
Hours: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday
Fax 574-235-7856
Hours: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday
For more information on the Archives & Records Center and how to obtain or view the records contained in one of our searchable indices listed below, visit this link:
Archives & Records CenterAll requests for records must be placed through the Archives & Records Center. SBAGS does not hold any records.
- Adoptions Index
- Adoptions – Superior Court Index
- Burial Permits Index
- Coroner’s Records Index
- Dentist License Records Index
- Divorce Records Index
- Doctor and Midwife License Records Index
- Estate Record Index
- Firearm Permits Index
- Marriage Databases Index
- Name Change Index
- Naturalization Index
- Pensioner’s Index
- Time and Place of Birth Records Index
- Wills Index